
element_name kind external_table description
observation_id varchar (pk)   unique ID for observation
report_id varchar header_table:report_id Link to header information
data_policy_licence int data_policy_licence:policy WMOessential, WMOadditional, WMOother
date_time timestamp with timezone   timestamp for observation
date_time_meaning int meaning_of_time_stamp:meaning beginning, middle, end
observation_duration int duration:duration Duration/period over which observation was made
longitude numeric   Longitude of the observed value, -180 to 180 (or other as defined by CRS). This may or may not be the same as the report location.
latitude numeric   Latitude of the observed value, -90 to 90 (or other as defined by CRS)
crs int crs:crs Coordinate reference scheme use to encode location
z_coordinate numeric   z coordinate of observation
reference_z_coordinate numeric   z coordinate of reference observation
z_coordinate_type int z_coordinate_type:type Type of z coordinate
observation_height_above_station_surface numeric   Height of sensor above local ground or sea surface. Positive values for above surface (e.g. sondes), negative for below (e.g. xbt). For visual observations, height of the visual observing platform.
observed_variable int observed_variable:variable The variable being observed / measured
secondary_variable int secondary_variable:variable Secondary variable required to understand observation, e.g. chemical constituent. Set to NA / missing if not applicable.
observation_value numeric   The observed value
value_significance int observation_value_significance:significance e.g. min, max, mean, sum
secondary_value int secondary_variable:value value for the secondary variable. Set to NA or missing if not applicable.
units int units:units Units for the observed variable
code_table int observation_code_table:code_table Encode / decode table for variable (if encoded)
conversion_flag int conversion_flag:flag Flag indicating whether original, converted or both values are available.
location_method int location_method:method Method of determining location,
location_precision numeric   Precision to which location is reported (radius km)
z_coordinate_method int z_coordinate_method:method Method of determining z coordinate
bbox_min_longitude numeric   Bounding box for observation, valid range given by CRS
bbox_max_longitude numeric   Bounding box for observation, valid range given by CRS
bbox_min_latitude numeric   Bounding box for observation, valid range given by CRS
bbox_max_latitude numeric   Bounding box for observation, valid range given by CRS
spatial_representativeness int spatial_representativeness:representativeness Spatial representativeness of observation
quality_flag int quality_flag:flag Quality flag for observation
numerical_precision numeric   Reporting precision of observation in units given by ‘units’ variable. E.g. 0.1 = reported to nearest tenth, 0.5 to nearest half etc.
sensor_id varchar sensor_configuration:sensor_id
Link to sensor_configuration table.
reference_sensor_id varchar sensor_configuration:sensor_id
Link to sensor_configuration table for reference sensor.
sensor_automation_status int automation_status:automation Automated, manual, mixed or visual observation
exposure_of_sensor int instrument_exposure_quality:exposure Whether the exposure of the instrument will impact on the quality of the measurement
original_precision numeric   Original reporting precision in units given by ‘original_units’
original_units int units:units Original units
original_code_table int observation_code_table:code_table Encode / decode table for variable (if encoded)
original_value numeric   Original value as reported or recorded in log book.
conversion_method int conversion_method:method Link to table describing conversion process
processing_code int[]* processing_code:code e.g. TRC (temperature radiation corrections) etc. Encoded in table.
processing_level int processing_level:level Level of processing applied to observation.
adjustment_id varchar adjustment:adjustment_id Total adjustment applied to observation reported in observation value (observation_value = original + adjustment)
traceability int traceability:traceability Whether observation can be traced to international standards.
advanced_qc int data_present:flag Flag indicating whether advanced qc data are available
advanced_uncertainty int data_present:flag Flag indicating whether uncertainty estimates are available
advanced_homogenisation int data_present:flag Flag indicating whether advanced homogenisation information is available
advanced_assimilation_feedback int data_present:flag Flag indicating whether assimilation feedback is available
source_configuration:source_id Original source of data, link to external table