
Download csv version conversion_method

method variable description implementation reference
1 36 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 37 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 41 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 56 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 85 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 86 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 87 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 88 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 89 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 90 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 91 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 92 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 93 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 94 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 95 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 113 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
1 116 Temperature value in degrees Celsius converted to value in Kelvin The original temperature value in degrees Celsius in converted by adding 273.15 to the original value NA
2 58 Station pressure converted to sea level pressure \({{log}_{10}}\frac{p_0}{p_s}=\frac{K_p H_p}{T_{mv}}\) where \(p_0\) is the pressure reduced to sea level in hPa; \(p_s\) the station pressure in hPa; \(K_p\) the constant 0.0148275 K / gpm; \(H_p\) the station elevation in gpm; and \(T_{mv}\) the mean virtual temperature in K WMO, 2012: Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation. WMO-No 8, WMO, Geneva, 716 pp. (Equation 3.1, page I.3-21).
3 107 Wind speed value in Beaufort scale converted to metres per second (m/s) \(W = 0.836*F^{\frac{3}{2}}\) where F = Wind speed in Beaufort scale; W = wind speed in m/s. NA
3 108 Wind speed value in Beaufort scale converted to metres per second (m/s) \(W = 0.836*F^{\frac{3}{2}}\) where F = Wind speed in Beaufort scale; W = wind speed in m/s. NA
3 109 Wind speed value in Beaufort scale converted to metres per second (m/s) \(W = 0.836*F^{\frac{3}{2}}\) where F = Wind speed in Beaufort scale; W = wind speed in m/s. NA
4 106 Wind direction from 32 point compass Wind direction converted from 32 point compass, mid point used (see observation_code_table 1, GLAMOD wind32) NA
5 107 Knots to m/s Wind speed converted from knots to m/s, wind_ms = wspd_knot * 0.5144 NA
6 53 Conversion of mm to cm \(SD = SD_{orig}*0.1\) where SD is the converted snow depth and \(SD_{orig}\) the original value. NA
7 58 Conversion from hPa to Pa \(P = P_{orig}*100\) NA
7 57 Conversion from hPa to Pa \(P = P_{orig}*100\) NA