element_name | kind | external_table | description |
report_id | varchar (pk) | Unique ID for report (unique ID given by combination of report_id and observation_id) | |
region | int | region:region | Region (WMO region / Ocean basin) |
sub_region | int | sub_region:sub_region | Country / regional sea |
application_area | int[] | application_area:application_area | WMO application area(s) |
observing_programme | int[] | observing_programme:observing_programme | Observing programme, e.g. VOS |
report_type | int | report_type:type | e.g. SYNOP, TEMP, CLIMAT, etc |
station_name | varchar | e.g. GRUAN station name, ship name, site name etc | |
station_type | int | station_type:type | Type of station, e.g. land station, sea station etc |
platform_type | int | platform_type:type | Structure upon which sensor is mounted, e.g. ship, drifting buoy, tower etc |
platform_sub_type | int | platform_sub_type:sub_type | Sub-type for platform, e.g. 3m discuss buoy |
primary_station_id | varchar | station_configuration:primary_id | Primary station identifier, e.g. WIGOS ID |
station_record_number | int | station_configuration:record_number | Together with primary_station_id this forms a link to the station configuration table. |
primary_station_id_scheme | int | id_scheme:scheme | Scheme used for station ID |
longitude | numeric | Longitude of station, -180.0 to 180.0 (or other as defined by station_crs) | |
latitude | numeric | Latitude of station, -90 to 90 (or other as defined by station_crs) | |
location_accuracy | numeric | Accuracy to which station location recorded (radius in km) | |
location_method | int | location_method:method | Method by which location determined |
location_quality | int | location_quality:quality | Quality flag for station location |
crs | int | crs:crs | Coordinate reference scheme for station location |
station_speed | numeric | Station speed over ground if mobile (m/s) | |
station_course | numeric | Station course over ground if mobile (degree true) | |
station_heading | numeric | Station heading if mobile | |
height_of_station_above_local_ground | numeric | Height of station above local ground (m) | |
height_of_station_above_sea_level | numeric | Height of station above mean sea level (m), negative values for below sea level. | |
height_of_station_above_sea_level_accuracy | numeric | Accuracy to which height of station known (m) | |
sea_level_datum | int | sea_level_datum:datum | Datum used for sea level |
report_meaning_of_timestamp | int | meaning_of_time_stamp:meaning | Report time - beginning, middle or end of reporting period |
report_timestamp | timestamp with timezone | e.g. 1991-01-01 12:00:0.0+0 | |
report_duration | int | duration:duration | Report duration |
report_time_accuracy | numeric | Precision to which time was recorded (s) | |
report_time_quality | int | time_quality:quality | Quality flag for report_timestamp |
report_time_reference | int | time_reference:reference | Reference Time (e.g. referenced to time server, atomic clock, radio clock etc) |
profile_id | varchar | profile_configuration:profile_id | Information on profile (atmospheric / oceanographic) configuration. Set to Record ID for profile data or missing (NULL) otherwise. |
events_at_station | int[]* | events_at_station:event | e.g. ship hove to, crop burning etc. |
report_quality | int | quality_flag:flag | Overall quality of report |
duplicate_status | int | duplicate_status:status | E.g. no duplicates, best duplicate, duplicate, not checked. |
duplicates | varchar[]* | header_table:report_id | Array of report_id’s for duplicates |
record_timestamp | timestamp with timezone | Timestamp of revision for this record | |
history | varchar | Sequence of processing steps. Free text with timestamp 1 : history 1; timestamp 2 : history 2 etc. | |
processing_level | int | report_processing_level:level | Level of processing applied to this report |
processing_codes | int[]* | report_processing_codes:code | Processing applied to this report |
source_id | varchar | source_configuration:source_id | Original source of data, link to external table |
source_record_id | varchar | Record ID in source data, e.g. ID of event from GRUAN meta database |