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variable parameter_group domain sub_domain name units description
0 aerosols     aerosol absorption optical depth Dimensionless Vertical column integral of spectral aerosol absorption coefficient: AAOD = exp(-K. Dz) where K is the absorption coefficient [km-1] and Dz the vertical path [km]
1 aerosols     aerosol column burden g m-2 2D field of the column burden of condensed particles in the atmosphere
2 aerosols     aerosol dust concentration g kg-1 3-D field of concentration of dust or sand in the atmosphere
3 aerosols     aerosol effective radius micro m 3D field of mean aerosol particle size, defined as the ratio of the third and second moments of the number size distribution of aerosol particles. Requested in the troposphere (assumed height: 12 km) and as columnar average.
4 aerosols     aerosol extinction coefficient m-1 3D field of spectral volumetric extinction cross-section of aerosol particles.
5 aerosols     aerosol mass mixing ratio g kg-1 3D field of the mass mixing ratio of condensed particles in the atmosphere
6 aerosols     aerosol optical depth Dimensionless The AOD is the effective depth of the aerosol column from the viewpoint of radiation propagation: Vertical column integral of spectral aerosol extinction coefficient AOD = exp(-K. Dz) where K is the extinction coefficient [km-1 ] and Dz the vertical path [km]
7 aerosols     aerosol species mole fraction moles per mole of dry air 3D field of the mole fraction of condensed-phase chemical species (e.g., sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, elemental carbon, organic carbon), in the atmosphere
8 aerosols     aerosol species total column burden moles m-2 2D field of the total column burden concentration of condensed-phase chemical species (e.g., sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, elemental carbon, organic carbon), in the atmosphere
9 aerosols     aerosol type coded Selection, out of a pre-defined set of aerosol classes, that best fits an input data set (observed or modeled). The pre-defined set of aerosol classes includes specification of the particle composition, mixing state, complex refractive index, and shape as a function of particle size. The definition of aerosol type includes specification of all the classes as well as the algorithm used to choose the best fit to the input data.
10 aerosols     aerosol volcanic ash g kg-1 3D field of mass mixing ratio of volcanic ash
11 aerosols     total column aerosol volcanic ash g m-2 Field of total column mass of volcanic ash
12 aerosols     air conductivity km TBD
13 albedo     blue ice and snow albedo percent TBD
14 albedo     blue ice bidirectional reflectance sr-1 TBD
15 albedo     clean glacier ice albedo percent TBD
16 albedo     dirty glacier ice albedo percent TBD
17 albedo     earth surface albedo percent Hemispherically integrated reflectance of the Earth surface in the range 0.4 - 0.7 micro-m
18 albedo     snow bidirectional reflectance sr-1 TBD
19 cloud atmospheric upper-air cloud base height m cloud base height (hb)
20 cloud atmospheric upper-air cloud base lowest height coded Height above surface of the base of the lowest cloud seen (coded 0-9)
21 cloud atmospheric upper-air cloud cover Okta or percent 3D field of fraction of sky filled by clouds.
22 cloud atmospheric upper-air cloud genus Coded Genus of cloud (0 - Cirrus to 9 - Cumulo-Nimbus)
23 cloud atmospheric upper-air cloud genus base height Coded or m Height of base of cloud whose genus is c
24 cloud atmospheric upper-air high cloud type coded type of high clouds (ch)
25 cloud atmospheric upper-air low cloud type coded type of low clouds (cl)
26 cloud atmospheric upper-air lowest cloud amout Okta low or (if low clouds don’t exist) middle cloud amount
27 cloud atmospheric upper-air middle cloud type coded type of middle clouds (cm)
28 cloud atmospheric upper-air total cloud amount Okta total amount of clouds
29 evaporation atmospheric   evaporation mm TBD
30 evaporation atmospheric   evaporation kg m-2 s-1 TBD
31 evaporation atmospheric   potential evapotranspiration mm day-1 Quantity of water evaporated from the soil and plants when the ground is at its natural moisture content.
32 evaporation atmospheric   real evapotranspiration mm day-1 TBD
33 humidity atmospheric   absolute humidity g m-3 measure of water vapor (moisture) in the air, regardless of temperature
34 humidity atmospheric surface; upper-air dew point depression K Dew point depression is also called dew point deficit. It is the amount by which the air temperature exceeds its dew point temperature. Dew point temperature is the temperature at which a parcel of air reaches saturation upon being cooled at constant pressure and specific humidity.
36 humidity atmospheric surface; upper-air dew point temperature K Dew point temperature is the temperature at which a parcel of air reaches saturation upon being cooled at constant pressure and specific humidity.
37 humidity atmospheric surface; upper-air ice bulb temperature K TBD
38 humidity atmospheric surface; upper-air relative humidity percent Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of atmospheric moisture present relative to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated with respect to water or ice to be specified in the metadata
39 humidity atmospheric surface; upper-air specific humidity g kg-1 specific means per unit mass. Specific humidity is the mass fraction of water vapor in (moist) air.
40 humidity atmospheric   water vapour pressure hPa TBD
41 humidity atmospheric surface; upper-air wet bulb temperature K TBD
43 ice     ice thickness m Thickness of the ice sheet. It is related to sea-ice elevation and ice density
44 precipitation atmospheric   accumulated precipitation mm accumulated precipitation over specified period
45 precipitation atmospheric   fresh snow mm TBD
46 precipitation atmospheric   hydrometeor type Code table 3D field of the predominant form of condensed water in a volume of free atmosphere, including liquid cloud, rain, ice crystals, snow, graupel and hail. (This variable replaces “precipitation type”).
47 precipitation atmospheric   precipitation g m-2 s-1 Precipitation (liquid or solid)
48 precipitation atmospheric   precipitation instensity liquid mm h-1 Precipitation intensity at surface (liquid or solid)
49 precipitation atmospheric   precipitation intensity solid mm h-1 Precipitation intensity at surface (solid)
50 precipitation atmospheric   precipitation type coded Liquid, snow, hail, fog
51 precipitation atmospheric   rainy days Days TBD
52 precipitation atmospheric   snow cover percent Fraction of a given area which is covered by snow
53 precipitation atmospheric   snow depth cm Vertical distance from the snow surface to the underlying surface (ground, glacier ice or sea ice).
54 precipitation atmospheric   snow status coded Wet or dry
55 precipitation atmospheric   snow water equivalent mm Surface snow amount
56 pressure atmospheric surface adjunct temperature barometer K temperature of the adjunct thermometer to the barometer to reduce pressure to 0 degC
57 pressure atmospheric surface air pressure Pa pressure of air column at specified height
58 pressure atmospheric surface air pressure at sea level Pa sea level means mean sea level, which is close to the geoid in sea areas. Air pressure at sea level is the quantity often abbreviated as MSLP or PMSL.
59 pressure atmospheric surface pressure tendency Pa pressure tendency
60 pressure atmospheric surface pressure tendency characteristics coded characteristic of pressure tendency (used in synoptic maps)
61 radiation atmospheric   diffuse radiation W m-2 The component of global radia-tion that is scattered out of the solar beam by at-mospheric constituents. It is also called diffuse hori-zontal irradiance.
62 radiation atmospheric   downward longwave irradiance at earth surface W m-2 Flux density of radiation emitted by the gases, aerosols and clouds of the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface
63 radiation atmospheric   downward shortwave irradiance at earth surface W m-2 Flux density of the solar radiation at the Earth surface
64 radiation atmospheric   downward shortwave irradiance at toa W m-2 Flux density of the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere
65 radiation atmospheric   earth surface shortwave bidirectional reflectance percent Reflectance of the Earth surface as a function of the viewing angle and the illumination angle in the range 0.4-0.7 micro m . The distribution of this variable is represented by the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)
66 radiation atmospheric   fraction of absorbed par percent Fraction of PAR absorbed by vegetation (land or marine) for photosynthesis processes (generally around the ‘red’ )
67 radiation atmospheric   global radiation W m-2 The part of the global radiation in-cident on a surface orthogonal (or “normal”) to the sun’s beam, which originates from the solid angle subtended by the sun’s disk. It is also called direct normal irradiance.
68 radiation atmospheric   longwave earth surface emissivity percent TBD
69 radiation atmospheric   longwave radiation W m-2 TBD
70 radiation atmospheric   meteorological optical range m Meteorological optical range at surface
71 radiation atmospheric   photosynthetically active radiation W m-2 Flux of downwelling photons of wavelength 0.4-0.7 micro m
72 radiation atmospheric   shortwave cloud reflectance percent Reflectance of the solar radiation from clouds
73 radiation atmospheric   shortwave radiation W m-2 TBD
74 radiation atmospheric   solar gamma ray flux W m-2 Radiative flux integrated over the gamma-ray domain.
75 radiation atmospheric   solar UV flux W m-2 Integrated UV flux over the solar disk.
76 radiation atmospheric   solar VIS flux W m-2 Integrated VIS flux over the solar disk
77 radiation atmospheric   solar X ray flux W m-2 Integrated X-ray flux over the solar disk
78 radiation atmospheric   sunshine duration h TBD
79 radiation atmospheric   upward longwave irradiance at Earth surface W m-2 Flux density of terrestrial radiation emitted by the Earth surface
80 radiation atmospheric   upward longwave irradiance at TOA W m-2 Flux density of terrestrial radiation emitted by the Earth surface and the gases, aerosols and clouds ot the atmosphere at the top of the atmosphere
81 radiation atmospheric   upward shortwave irradiance at TOA W m-2 Flux density of solar radiation, reflected by the Earth surface and atmosphere, emitted to space at the top of the atmosphere
82 radiation atmospheric   upward spectral radiance at TOA W m-2 nm-1 sr-1 Upward radiant power measured at the top of the atmosphere per area unit, per solid angle, and per wavelength interval. Spectral range 0.2-200 micro m.
83 salinity oceanic surface; sub-surface salinity psu ocean salinity (PSU)
85 temperature atmospheric surface; upper-air air temperature K Air temperature is the bulk temperature of the air, not the surface (skin) temperature.
86 temperature atmospheric   daily maximum air temperature K TBD
87 temperature atmospheric   daily maximum air temperature with direct sun exposure K TBD
88 temperature atmospheric   daily maximum grass temperature K Grass maximum thermometer is 5 cm above ground
89 temperature atmospheric   daily minimum air temperature K TBD
90 temperature atmospheric   daily minimum air temperature with direct sun exposure K TBD
91 temperature atmospheric   daily minimum grass temperature K Grass minimum thermometer is 5 cm above ground
92 temperature atmospheric   days with ground frost Days TBD
93 temperature atmospheric   snow temperature K TBD
94 temperature atmospheric   soil temperature K Lot 1 is using Ts - WMO abbrev.
95 temperature oceanic surface; sub-surface water temperature K Water (sea, river, lake) temperature at depth indicated
96 visibility atmospheric surface horizontal visibility in air m The visibility is the distance at which something can be seen.
97 weather     lightning detection deg (lat, lon) and UTC Detection of the time and location (latitude, longitude) of lightning events. Accuracy expressed in terms of Hit Rate and False Alarm Rate, which requires predetermination of a specific distance and time tolerance .
98 weather     lightning duration s TBD
99 weather     lightning horizontal distance Km TBD
100 weather atmospheric surface past weather 1 coded past weather 1 - most extreme phomenon (w)
101 weather atmospheric surface past weather 2 coded past weather 2 - most frequent phomenon (used in synoptic maps)
102 weather atmospheric surface present weather coded present weather (ww)
103 weather     Total lightning density Dimensionless Total number of detected flashes in the corresponding time interval and the space unit. The space unit (grid box) should be equal to the horizontal resolution and the accumulation time to the observing cycle
104 wind atmospheric surface; upper-air eastward wind speed m s-1 Eastward indicates a vector component which is positive when directed eastward (negative westward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward air velocity.)
105 wind atmospheric surface; upper-air northward wind speed m s-1 Northward indicates a vector component which is positive when directed northward (negative southward). Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward air velocity.)
106 wind atmospheric surface; upper-air wind from direction degree direction from which the wind is blowing Lot 1 uses dd - WMO abbrev.
107 wind atmospheric surface; upper-air wind speed m s-1 Speed is the magnitude of velocity. Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward air velocity.) The wind speed is the magnitude of the wind velocity. Lot 1 uses ff - WMO abbrev.
108 wind atmospheric surface wind speed of gust m s-1 Speed is the magnitude of velocity. Wind is defined as a two-dimensional (horizontal) air velocity vector, with no vertical component. (Vertical motion in the atmosphere has the standard name upward air velocity.) The wind speed is the magnitude of the wind velocity. A gust is a sudden brief period of high wind speed. In an observed timeseries of wind speed, the gust wind speed can be indicated by a cell methods of maximum for the time-interval. In an atmospheric model which has a parametrised calculation of gustiness, the gust wind speed may be separately diagnosed from the wind speed. Lot 1 uses fx - WMO abbrev.
109 wind atmospheric   wind speed max m s-1 Maximum observed wind speed over specified period Lot 1 uses fm - WMO abbrev.
110       turbulence J m-3 TBD
111       precipitable water column kg m-2 TBD
112       tropopause height m TBD
113       tropopause temperature K TBD
114       tropopause pressure Pa TBD
115       tropopause potential temperature K TBD
116       frost point temperature K TBD
117 pressure atmospheric surface; upper air geopotential height m height of a standard or significant pressure level in meters
118 pressure atmospheric surface; upper air geopotential height decameters decametres height of a standard or significant pressure level in decameters
119 temperature atmospheric surface; upper air vertical gradient of temperature K m-1 vertical variation of temperature
120 temperature atmospheric surface; upper air vertical gradient of potential temperature K m-1 vertical variation of potential temperature
121 temperature atmospheric surface; upper air equivalent potential temperature K temperature a parcel of air would reach if all the water vapor in the parcel were to condense, releasing its latent heat, and the parcel was brought adiabatically to a standard reference pressure, usually 1000 hPa
122 wind atmospheric surface; upper air vertical speed of radiosonde m s-1 vertical speed of radiosonde ascent
123 humidity atmospheric upper air water vapour mixing ratio mol mol-1 Volume mixing ratio (mol/mol) of water vapor calculated using Hyland, R. W. and A. Wexler, Formulations for the Thermodynamic Properties of the saturated Phases of H2O from 173.15K to 473.15K, ASHRAE Trans, 89(2A), 500-519, 1983
124 humidity atmospheric upper air air relative humidity effective vertical resolution s Resolution (defined by 1 / cut off frequency) of the relative humidity in terms of time
125 pressure atmospheric upper-air altitude m Altitude
126 temperature atmospheric surface; upper air air temperature K Air temperature (from profile measurement)
137 humidity atmospheric surface; upper air air dewpoint K Dewpoint measurement (from profile measurement)
138 humidity atmospheric surface; upper air relative humidity 1 Relative humidity (from profile measurement)
139 wind atmospheric surface; upper air eastward wind speed m s-1 Eastward wind speed (from profile measurement)
140 wind atmospheric surface; upper air northward wind speed m s-1 Northward wind speed (from profile measurement)
141 radiation atmospheric surface; upper air Solar zenith angle degrees solar zenith angle
142 pressure atmospheric upper air pressure Pa pressure
143       time since launch s Time since launch of radiosonde
144   atmospheric upper-air monthly total ozone column DU Monthly value of total column ozone amount
145   atmospheric upper-air monthly standard deviation ozone   Standard deviation of daily total column ozone
146       monthly total ozone column number of points count The number of points (typically this is the number of daily averages) used to estimate the monthly mean ozone value
147   atmospheric upper-air standard deviation ozone   Estimated population standard deviation of the total column ozone measurements used for the daily value.
148       number of points   Number of observations used to calculate the total column ozone value
149   atmospheric upper-air column sulphur dioxide DU The daily total column sulphur dioxide (SO2) amount calculated as the mean of the individual SO2 amounts
150   atmospheric upper-air ozone partial pressure Pa Level partial pressure of ozone in milli-Pascals (mPa)
151   atmospheric upper-air ozone concentration ppmv Level mixing ratio of ozone in ppmv
152   atmospheric upper-air total ozone column DU Ozone (DU) integrated up to the current altitude level
153   atmospheric upper-air flight summary integrated O3 DU Ozone amount integrated over the whole balloon profile.
154       sampling method burst ozone pressure Pa Atmospheric pressure when balloon burst in hPa.
155 lidar atmospheric   measurement_wavelength nm Wavelength of the transmitted laser pulse
156 lidar atmospheric   integrated_backscatter 1/sr integrated backscatter
157 lidar atmospheric   lidar_ratio sr aerosol extinction-to-backscatter ratio
158 lidar atmospheric   aerosol_boundary_layer m altitude of the upper bound of the aerosol planet boundary layer
159 lidar atmospheric   h63_of_aerosol_optical_depth m altitude below which stays the 63% of the total aerosol optical depth
160 lidar atmospheric   h63_of_integrated_backscatter m altitude below which stays the 63% of the total integrated backscatter
161 lidar atmospheric   center_of_mass m center of mass
162 lidar atmospheric   particle_depolarization 1 aerosol linear particle depolarization ratio
163 lidar atmospheric   angstrom_coefficient 1 angstrom coefficient
164 lidar atmospheric   base_layer_altitude   Frequency distribution of the base layer altitude values
165 lidar atmospheric   top_layer_altitude   Frequency distribution of the top layer altitude values
166 lidar atmospheric   center_of_mass_altitude   Frequency distribution of the center of mass altitude values
167 Global Navigation Satellite System atmosphere surface;upper-air zenith_total_delay m This parameter characterizes the delay of the GNSS signal on the path from a satellite to the receiver due to atmospheric refraction and bending, mapped into the zenith direction. It is expressed as an equivalent distance travelled additionally by the radio waves, due to the atmosphere. The numerical value of zenith total delay correlates with the amount of total column water vapour (i.e., not including effects of liquid water and/or ice) above the GNSS receiver antenna. It is hence used to estimate the total column water vapour.
168 Global Navigation Satellite System atmosphere surface;upper-air zenith tropospheric delay m This parameter characterizes the delay through the troposphere of the GNSS signal on the path from a satellite to the receiver due to atmospheric refraction and bending, mapped into the zenith direction. It is expressed as an equivalent distance travelled additionally by the radio waves, due to the atmosphere.
169 humidity atmospheric surface wetness Ohms Ohms The presence or absence of moisture due to precipitation, in Ohms. High values (>= 1000) indicate an absence of moisture. Low values (< 1000) indicate the presence of moisture
170 humidity atmospheric surface soil_moisture m3 m-3 Ratio of water volume over sample volume (m^3 water/m^3 soil)