Conceptual data modelΒΆ

The figure below shows the conceptual data model used by the common data model, largely building on the ODB v1 data model developed by ECMWF. Only the primary data tables are shown, there are additional data and code tables but this have been omitted for brevity. Within this data model each weather report (or record) is split across two main tables. The first, the header table, provides information common to all observations contained in the report. Examples include, inter alia, the location and time of the report, the identity of the station, events at the time of the report etc. The second table contains the observations, with one observation per row, and including metadata related to how the observation was made and sensor height. These two tables are then linked to further configuration tables providing more in depth information on the sensors, stations and sources. For those observations from profiles, e.g. radiosonde or ocean profile measurements, further information can be provided via the profile configuraiton table. Additional quality control, homogenisation and uncertinty estimates can be provided through the respective tables linked to the observations table. Finally, optional information can be provided through the optional tables.

These tables are described further on the data tables and code tables pages.

digraph {
  #node [color=white]
  node [margin="0.01" shape=plaintext]
  n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 [style=invis]
                                <TR><TD PORT="head" COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray">header_table</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD PORT="header">Header information</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD PORT="source">Source information</TD></TR>

  observations_table [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK">
                                <TR><TD PORT="head" COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray">observations_table</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD PORT="sensor">Observed parameter and sensor information</TD></TR>

  station_configuration [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">station_configuration</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Detailed information on the station reporting the data.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
Information changes infrequently, required fields expected<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
to be common across reports from different networks or <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>observing programmes.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/><BR/>&nbsp;
Elements will be repeated in the observations tables <BR ALIGN="left"/>for ease of filtering.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/></TD></TR>

profile_configuration [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">profile_configuration</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Detailed information on the profile (atmospheric / oceanic).<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
Expected to change with every report. Fields will be<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
dependent on profile type.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/></TD></TR>

source_configuration [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">source_configuration</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Detailed information on the original source of the data.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/></TD></TR>

sensor_configuration [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">sensor_configuration</TD></TR>
Detailed information on the instrument / sensor making.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
the observation. Fields reported will depend on variable<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
and observation type.<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/></TD></TR>

                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">qc_table</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Additional information on QC applied to observation.</TD></TR></TABLE>>]

uncertainty_fields [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">uncertainty_fields</TD></TR>
Additional information on uncertainty budget <BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
used to set standard_uncertainty field.</TD></TR></TABLE>>]

homogenisation_fields [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">homogenisation_fields</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Additional information on homogenisation applied to observation.</TD></TR></TABLE>>]

station_config_optional [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">station_configuration_optional</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Additional optional elements for station_configuration<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
configuration in EAV based table</TD></TR></TABLE>>]

source_config_optional [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">source_configuration_optional</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Additional optional elements for source_configuration<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
configuration in EAV based table</TD></TR></TABLE>>]

sensor_config_optional [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">sensor_configuration_optional</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Additional optional elements for sensor_configuration<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
configuration in EAV based table</TD></TR></TABLE>>]

profile_config_optional [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLBORDER="1" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" COLOR="BLACK" WIDTH="200px">
                                <TR><TD COLSPAN="1" ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" PORT="head">profile_configuration_optional</TD></TR>
                                <TR><TD>Additional optional elements for profile_configuration<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>
configuration in EAV based table</TD></TR></TABLE>>]


  n1 -> n2 [arrowtail = dot , arrowhead = crow, dir = both, label = "one to many relationship"];
  n2 -> n3 [arrowhead = dot , arrowtail = crow, dir = both, label = "many to one relationship"];
  n4 -> n5 [arrowhead = dot , arrowtail = dot , dir = both, label = "one to one relationship"];

  header_table -> observations_table [arrowtail=dot, arrowhead=crow, dir=both, label="      "];
  header_table:header -> station_configuration:head [arrowtail=crow, arrowhead=dot, dir=both];
  header_table:header -> profile_configuration:head [arrowtail=crow, arrowhead=dot, dir=both];
  header_table:source -> source_configuration:head [arrowtail=crow, arrowhead=dot, dir=both];

  observations_table:head -> qc_fields:head [arrowtail=dot, dir=both, arrowhead=crow];
  observations_table:head -> uncertainty_fields:head [arrowtail=dot, dir=both, arrowhead=crow];
  observations_table:head -> homogenisation_fields:head [arrowtail=dot, dir=both, arrowhead=crow];
  observations_table:sensor -> sensor_configuration:head [arrowtail=crow, dir=both, arrowhead=dot];

  station_configuration:head -> station_config_optional:head [arrowhead=crow, arrowtail=dot, dir=both];
  source_configuration:head -> source_config_optional:head [arrowhead=crow, arrowtail=dot, dir=both];
  profile_configuration:head -> profile_config_optional:head [arrowhead=crow, arrowtail=dot, dir=both];
  sensor_configuration:head -> sensor_config_optional:head [arrowhead=crow, arrowtail=dot, dir=both];