Download csv version sensor_configuration_fields
field_id | field_name | parameter | type | description |
SACC | sensor accuracy | all | 1 | Reported accuracy (trueness) of sensor in units of measurement. |
SPRE | sensor precision | all | 1 | Reported precision (repeatability) of sensor in units of measurement |
B002033 | sensor type - salinity | salinity | 0 | NA |
B002038 | sensor type - water temperature | water temperature | 0 | NA |
B002051 | sensor type - extremes | air temperature | 0 | NA |
B002096 | sensor type - air temperature | air temperature | 0 | NA |
B002097 | sensor type - humidity | humidity | 0 | NA |
B002169 | sensor type - wind speed | wind speed | 0 | NA |
B002185 | sensor type - evaporation | evaporation | 0 | NA |
B003003 | sensor housing - type | all | 0 | NA |
B003004 | sensor housing - radiation shielding | all | 0 | NA |
B003008 | sensor housing - ventilation | all | 0 | NA |
B003020 | sensor housing - material | all | 0 | NA |
B003021 | sensor housing - heating | all | 0 | NA |
B003022 | sensor owner | all | 0 | NA |
B003023 | sensor housing - configuration | all | 0 | NA |
BARG | sensor type - barograph | pressure trend | 0 | NA |
BARM | sensor type - barometer | pressure | 0 | NA |
CALINT | calibration interval | all | 1 | Maximum number of months recommended between calibrations. |
CALMETH | calibration method | all | 0 | Method used to calibrate instrument |
CALREF | calibration reference | all | 2 | Reference instrument (make, model and serial number) used to perform calibtation |
CALDEV | calibration chamber | all | 2 | Calibration chamber (or device) used to perform the calibration |
CALPRTY | calibration party | all | 2 | Who performed the calibration |
CALRES | calibration result | all | 2 | Result of the calibration |
CALCERT | calibration certificate | all | 2 | Certificate number of calibration certificate |
FREQ | sampling frequency | all | 1 | time period (s) between successive measurements from sensor |
IBS | ice bulb status | humidity | 0 | NA |
LDCL | sensor location - distance from center line | wind speed | 1 | NA |
LDFB | sensor location - distance from bow | wind speed | 1 | NA |
LHAD | sensor location - height above deck | wind speed | 1 | NA |
MANU | manufacturer | all | 0 | NA |
QCPROC | quality control procedure | all | 0 | Procedure used to quality control the observation and set quality flag |
SERIAL | serial number | all | 2 | NA |
SHVR | sensor housing - ventilation rate | all | 1 | NA |
SLOC | sensor location - ship | all | 0 | NA |
SMAX | sensor range - max | all | 1 | Maximum observable value with sensor in reported units of measurement |
SMIN | sensor range - min | all | 1 | Minimum observable value with sensor in reported units of measurement |
SMOD | sensor model | all | 2 | NA |
SOFT | software_version | all | 2 | NA |
SPROC | sampling procedure | all | 0 | how the sample was obtained |
SRES | sensor resolution | all | 1 | NA |
SRESP | sensor response time | all | 1 | Time (s) for sensor to chnage from previous state to current state |
SRR | sensor type - precipitation | precipitation | 0 | NA |
SSIDE | sensor side - ship | all | 0 | NA |
STAB | sensor stability | all | 1 | Reported stability of sensor in reported units of measurement per year. |
SWV | sensor type - waves | waves | 0 | NA |
SWW | sensor type - present weather | present weather | 0 | NA |
STREAT | sample treatment | all | 0 | treatment of the sample prior to analysis |
TSONDE | telemetry_sonde | sonde | 0 | NA |
WGHT | weight | sonde | 1 | NA |
STIME | sample times | all | 3 | time of the samples used to calculate statistics |
INSTDATE | installation date | all | 3 | Date when sensor was installed |
MNTDATE | maintenance date | all | 3 | Date when maintenance performed (use MTNCE to summarise activites undertaken) |
MNTMETH | maintenance | all | 2 | Summary of maintenance performed |
MNTPRTY | maintenance party | all | 2 | Who performed the maintenance |
MNTINT | maintenance interval | all | 1 | Maximum number of months recommended between maintenance activities |