Tool overview

In the tool’s context, a data model is the combination of a schema file with information on the file format and its contents and, optionally, the data model contains a set of code tables with key:value pairs, to translate encoded information in some data elements:

e.g. Temperature units might be store as numeric values 1 or 2 and this translates to 1:Celsius and 2:Fahrenheit.



Simplified workflow of the main function in the tool

Input data: .imma files and schemas

The tool has been created to read meteorological data from ICOADS stored in the .imma format, please read the following guide to know more details regarding the database and the data format.

Each meteorological report in ICOADS can come from multiple countries, sources and platforms and each report has a source ID (SID) and a deck (DCK) number assigned. “Deck” was originally referred to a punched card deck, but is now used as the primary field to track ICOADS data collections. Each deck may contain a single Source ID (SID) or a mixture of SIDs.

The data stored in the .imma format is stored as a fixed width and/or a field delimited file. The mdf_reader reads the data, organise it into sections and validates them against a declared data model (also referred here as schema) which can be source ID and deck dependent.

The core meteorological variables stored in the .imma format can be read by using the general imma1 schema included in this tool.

Supplemental metadata attachments require a specific schema customized to read supplemental metadata from a specific source and deck (“collection”). Several schemas are already included in this tool in order to read 18th century ship meteorological metadata.

All schemas are located under the following directory: ~/mdf_reader/data_models/lib/


For each SID-DCK number the data model or schema use to read supplemental metadata will different. e.g. to read metadata from the US Maury Ship data collection SID 69 and DCK 701, we will use the schema imma_d701)


The output of the mdf_reader is a python object with three attributes:

  • data: python pandas.DataFrame with data values.

  • atts: python dictionary with attributes of each of the output elements inherited from the input data model schema.

  • mask: boolean DF with the results of the validation of each of the data model elements in its columns.

Processing of the data elements

The individual data element definitions in the schema determines how each element is extracted, transformed and validated within the tool. If the data model or schema has its data elements organised in sections, the reader first identifies the string chunks corresponding to the different sections.

If the data model has no sections, the reader works with the full report as a single chunk.

Afterwards, data elements are extracted from each of these chunks, as shown in the figure below, where each element in the input dataframe is linked to its attributes (orange text) defined within the data model/schema (e.g. elements encoding type, bytes length, etc).


Schematic representation of the integral process of reading, transforming and validating a data element.

Data elements extraction and transformation

The data element extraction and transformation from the initial string to the output dataframe occurs mainly in 3 steps:

  1. Elements extraction and missing data tagging:

    Done using mdf_reader.reader.import_data(), where individual data elements are extracted as ‘objects’ from the full report string and missing data is recognised as NA/NaN values in the resulting dataframe.

    Strings that are recognised as missing from the source are pandas defaults, plus:

    • Those defined in the data model’s/schema as NaN by making use of the missing_value attribute.

    • Those defined as blanks if disable_white_strip is set to not True

  2. Unpacking of encoded elements:

    Data elements with encoding defined in the schema element attributes are decoded and casted to their declared column_type 1. Elements where the decoding fails or is not recognised by the tool, are marked as NA/NaN values in the resulting dataframe.

  3. Element conversion:

Data elements are converted (and optionally transformed) to their final data types (and units) if specified in the data model/schema.

Numeric type elements:
  • Safe conversion to numeric; NaN where conversion is not possible.

  • There is the option of applying to each element a scale and an offset: offset + scale*i

  • Safe conversion of column_type

object, string and key type elements:

Leading and trailing whitespace stripping unless otherwise declared in disable_white_strip (disable all, leading or trailing blank stripping).

datetime type elements:

Safe parsing to datetime objects with pandas.to_datetime(), assigning NaT where the conversion is not possible.

Validation of elements against the schema or data model

Data model validation is initiated after each element unpacking and conversion. New Na/NaN values in the data (not identified as missing values during extraction) are understood by the tool to have fail unpacking or conversion, and thus, are not validate against the data model. The resulting preliminary validation mask values are:

  • False: invalid decoding, conversion

  • True: missing data, rest

Once elements are in the final form, numeric and key elements are validated against their corresponding attributes in the schema (valid_max|valid_min and codetable, respectively), with the final values in the validation mask being:

  • False: invalid decoding, conversion, data model values

  • True: missing data, rest

Overall, the validation process exception handling is:

  • Missing values: True

  • Numeric type elements where either upper|lower bound is missing: False

  • key type elements where no codetable is found (or defined in the data model): False

  • Rest: True



If NaN values are present, and column_type is integer, conversion to column_type will not be possible and data type will be as pandas casting rules (Missing data casting rules and indexing).