Getting started

1. Test the tool

You can test the tool very easy by just calling both modules installed, the mdf_reader and the cdm. For this you need to run the following code:

import os
import sys
import cdm
import json
import mdf_reader
import warnings

If there is no error everything went well in the installation!

2. Read a sample .imma

Read a file from the folder ~/mdf_reader/test/data/ via the following code:

schema = 'imma1_d704'
data_file_path = '~/mdf_reader/test/data/125-704_1879-01_subset.imma'
data_raw =, data_model = schema)
attributes = data_raw.atts.copy()

This data_raw and its attributes will be the input to the cdm.mapper.mapper.map_model() function.

3. Map this data to a CDM build for the same deck

In this case deck 704: US Marine Meteorological Journal collection of data code:

name_of_model = 'icoads_r3000_d704'

cdm_dict = cdm.map_model(name_of_model,, attributes,
                         cdm_subset = None, log_level = 'DEBUG')

4. Write the output

This writes the output to an ascii file with a pipe delimited format using the following function:

cdm.cdm_to_ascii(cdm_dict, delimiter = '|', extension = 'psv', null_label = 'null', out_dir = None, suffix = None, prefix = None, log_level = 'INFO')

For more details and an overview of the tool check out the following python notebook: